WePlan is more than a smart workforce planning software
We build software that evolves with the way you work
Read about our latest case studies and client stories
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The basic modules build the core of the WePlan platform and cover all essential workforce planning needs
The advanced modules offer even more planning power and capabilities for your specific requirements
Get licence based access to our tool and all functionalities we have to offer
Outsource parts of your planning to WePlan as a full service option
Benefit from our industry experience and knowledge for the best possible results
Explore our sophisticated roster cost estimator and optimization
Use WePlan to execute flight schedule, process-based, SLA based shift
Execute shift and staffing forecast scenarios based on tonnage
Create cost-optimal shift patterns and look at sourcing options
Execute process based, SLA based shift and staffing scenarios
Use WePlan to compare demand and supply for doctors and nurses
Learn more about our founders, the WePlan team and our story
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Thanks for visiting our stand at the Aviation Festival! Explore how WePlan can help your workforce planning by booking a demo with our team today.